Solved Prolems Under Thermodynamics

1.       calculate the of the molecules of nitrogen gas at stp that have speeds between  c and c+dt. when c =400m/s , dc=10m/s  molecular mass M =28g
2.       the density of an oxygen gas is 1.43gg/m3 at 00C and 1.01*105 Nm-2 pressure. if its specific heat capacity at constant  volume Cv=20.8j/mol-1k-1 . Calculate the ratio of its specific heat capacity at constant pressure to that constant volume.
3.        a gas has a volume of 80m3 a stp. calculate (i)the new temperature and pressure if the gas is compressed adiabatically  to a volume  of 45m3 (ii) the workdone on the gas (Cp=1.68kjg-1k-1 , Cv =1.20kjkg-1k-1)
4.       by considering a rise in temperature of one kelvin, show that the fraction of heat energy used to do work against  the atmosphere  when a bar of iron expands in air is about 10-6 (s.h.c of iron= 460Jkg-1k-1 expansivity of iron =3.6*10-5k-1, density of iron = 7.9*103 kgm-3, atmospheric pressure = 1.01*105Nm-2



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