Solved Problems Under Carnot Engines, Thermodynamics

1.     a mixture of fuel  and air at 370C is taken by an internal combustion engine and the highest temperature after combustion is 5200C . calculate the carnot efficiency of an engine working between these two temperatures.
2.     a reversible engine convert  1/5th of the heat input to do work, when the temperature of the sink is is reduced by 720C , its efficiency is doubled . find the temperature of the source  and the sink
3.     how many grams of water at 00C can a freezer with a performance coefficient  of  5 make into ice cubes at 00C with work input of 3.6MJ. take latent heat of ice as 90cal/g.
4.     a refrigerator operate with its cold reservoir at -100C and rejects eats to its surrounding at 320C. if 300g of water are turned to ice at 00C, calculate the total workdone  by the motor assuming  there is maximum theoretical efficiency ( Lf= 3.3× 105 J/kg).
5.     a carnot engine whose high temperature reservoir is at 700k, takes 1000J of heat at this temperature in one cycle  and gives up 240J to the low temperature reservoir . calculate the low temperature reservoir and efficiency of the cycle.


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