Compare and Contrast Real and Ideal Gases

behaviour of gases

the following are what you should write when ask to compare and contrast real and ideal gases,
ideal gas is any gas that obey the ideal gas equation, PV=nRT for all temperature and pressure , and has all the assumption  in the kinetic theory of gases comply to it, it molecules are negligible , it molecules do not attract each other and are randomly  in continuous motion.
most gases behave like real gases at higher temperature and lower pressure,  the internal energy of an ideal gas depend on the temperature  and dv/du,  the energy equation for an ideal gas is ,
U = Cv(T-To) + Uo and the entropy equation is
Real gases are gases that do not obey the ideal gas equation and  hence all the assumption of kinetic theory of gases do not apply to it, though real gases behave like ideal gases at high temperature and low pressure,  therefore ideal gases behave like real gases at high pressure and low temperature, the internal energy of a real gas is function of both kinetic and potential energy and not temperature alone. real gases do not obey the ideal gases strictly and the relation PV/T=K holds. real gases can be liquefied at  at lower temperature and higher pressures.

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