what is the kinetic theory of matter and some solved problems

The following are some solved problems on kinetic theory of gases. 
what is the kinetic theory of matter

1.       calculate the value of Boltzmann constant given the root mean square speed  hydrogen at 15oC is 1890m/s (NA =6.02*1023)
2.       differentiate  the mean square speed and the square of the mean speed of a molecule of gas,  by using the following arbitrary speed, 1,2,3,4 and 5 unit
3.       calculate the mean and probable kinetic energy of translation of the molecules of 20gm of ammonia at 270C ( take molecular weight of ammonia = 17.02gm/mole)  and Cp =(2KBT/m)1/2  and  D2  =8KT/πm
4.       calculate the temperature at which the root mean square velocity  of a gas  will be half its value at 00C, assume P= constant.
5.       drive  an expression for the work done by a gas undergoing isothermal compression or expansion  from V +V2 volume for a gas which obeys the vander waal equationsof state.
6.       0.08m3 helium gas occupies a volume of 0,04m3 at a temperature of 300k and pressure of 2*105Pa, calculate (i) mass (ii)the rms speed of its

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