list the three products of radioactive decay from the most penetrating to the least penetrating.

list the three products of radioactive decay from the most penetrating to the least penetrating.
they are
1.   gamma ray
2.   beta articles
3.   and
gamma ray has no charge nor mass and it is  not particle s but electromagnetic radiations, so it is not affected by the ionizing effects of air molecules or collision with air constituents, this is why it can travel largest distance coupled with the fact that it has the highest energy and speed.
beta particle is having a charge as well as mass of a single electron, it can be affected by the ionizing effects of air constituent like nitrogen molecules, oxygen , water vapor etc. it move with the a speed ranging from 0 to 0.9995C, where C is the speed of light and also has higher energy than alpha particles.  this factors make it to be more penetrating than alpha particle , though gamma rays are the most penetrating
alpha particles is a helium nuclei, most massive and having a charge with of +2e, the large mass will cause much “friction” while the large charge ( compared to beta and gamma )will induce ionizing with objects, this affects it affect to penetrate object and hence why it is immediately stop when it enters the objects.  so alpha is the least penetrating.

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