Introduction to Nuclear Physics

Nuclear physics
introduction to nuclear physics,  nuclear fusion and fission

Nuclear physics deal  the nucleus of an atom and the energy that is release when two or more nucleus fuse or split. Nuclear physics deals only with the nucleus of an atom and its  constituent otherwise known as the nucleons , how they interact with each other and other nuclei ,  the force binding them together and energy that is release when two or more nuclei combined or splits.
An atom of every matter is not the basic unit of that matter, there are other subatomic particles that are more fundamental than the atom, this is a modification upon the dalton’s atomic theory which claim that atoms are the smallest indivisible particle of an atom, with the discovery of electrons, protons and neutrons as sub-atomic particles , the dalton’s theory was modified.
 the three sub-atomic particles are the electrons, protons and neutrons, the electron is located orbiting the nucleus in different energy levels , it is light compared to the other constituent and negatively charge  while the protons and the  neutrons are located at the centre of the atom called the nucleus according to Rutherford atomic model. The protons are positively charged, massive and located within the nucleus. The neutrons are also massive, almost equal mass as the proton but are electrically neutral are also found in the nucleus are the protons.
Nuclear physics is concerned with the nucleus,  the force  that bind the protons  and neutrons  together, how it interact with other nuclei and particles, the energy release when one or more nuclei fuse or split into smaller nuclei. How this energy can be utilized for electric power generation.
 the nucleus of the atom contain the protons and the neutrons , the protons which is positively charge and the neutron which is electrically neutral cannot be said to be attracted by n electrostatic or  magnetic force, then what type of force is this? It is the nuclear force, the force between bind the protons and the neutrons into nucleus is called the nuclear force, it overcome the electrostatic repulsive force between the positively charge protons, this force  is called the strong interaction , it is greater than the coulomb force but only exist within the nuclear distance.
When two nuclei fuse; come together to form a single nucleus (atom), sufficient force most be supplied to overcome the coulomb’s repulsive force between the two positively charge nuclei, this always involve light nuclei like, deuterium, tritium , helium , protium  etc.  A large nuclei can split into smaller nuclei when a proton or deuteron is used to bombard it, this called nuclear fission. Nuclear fission always involve large nuclei like uranium, plutonium , thorium, lead etc.
The energy release during a nuclear reaction can be harnessed and used for the generation of electricity, this done by the help of a device called the nuclear reactor, the energy  generated is used for turning of turbines to generate electricity. A very cheap source of power, just   1 kg of uranium -235 will generate almost 24, 000,000 kWh of power whereas  1kg of coal will generate only 8kwh of power. Therefore nuclear energy can generate 2 -3 million time energy  generated by coal or oil ,source


  1. Good job bro. Making the lecture more expansive would be welcomed.
