identify the nuclide produced when thallium-201 decays by electron capture: 201 81tl+ 0−1e→00γ + ?

identify the nuclide produced when thallium-201 decays by electron capture:

201 81tl+ 0−1e→00γ + ?

 When thallium undergo a n electron capture, the atomic number of the daughter nuclide decreases by one while the mass number remain unchanged. This is because during an electron capture an inner electron is captured by the nucleus, and a proton decays into a neutron and a neutrino.
Let us rewrite the above equation
20181Tl+ 0−1e → 00γ +?
 The atom that balances the above equation is will have an atomic number of 80 and a mass number of 201. The above with atomic number of 80 is mercury
 20181Tl + 0−1e → 00γ + 20180Hg
LET us balance the above equation to see if we are right or wrong
For the superscript
201+0 0+201
For the subscript
81+ (-1) 80+0
Since both superscript and subscript are equal for both side, the equation is therefore balanced.


Solve ?→84be+01e

When beryllium undergo a beta decay, the atomic number increases by one while the mass number remain unchanged, during a beta decay,   a neutron decays into a proton, an electron and an electron antineutrino.
 For the above decay, let us rewrite the equation
For a positron decay of beryllium-8, the atomic number of the beryllium decreases by one while the mass number will remain unchanged. The nuclide formed will have atomic number of 5 and a mass number of 8, the nuclide that fit the above condition is boron-8.
Let u balance, the above equation to see if we are right and wrong.
For the superscript, we have
8 8+0
 For the subscript, we have
5 4+1
 Since both superscript and subscript on both side for the two side, the equation is balanced and the nuclide formed is boron-8.

Solve ?→5927co+ 0−1e

When cobalt-59 undergo a beta decay, the atomic number increases by one while the mass number remain unchanged, during a beta decay,   a neutron decays into a proton, an electron and an electron antineutrino.
 For the above decay, let us rewrite the equation
For a positron decay of cobalt-5, the atomic number of the beryllium decreases by one while the mass number will remain unchanged. The nuclide formed will have atomic number of 5 and a mass number of 8, the nuclide that fit the above condition is boron-8.
59 26Fe →59 27Co+0-1e
Let us balance, the above equation to see if we are right and wrong.
For the superscript, we have
59 59+0
 For the subscript, we have
 Since both superscript and subscript on both side for the two side, the equation is balanced and the nuclide formed is iron-59.

what isotope of what element is produced if krypton-81 undergoes beta decay?

8136Kr →8137Rb +0-1e
When krypton undergo a beta decay the atomic number of the daughter nucleus formed increases by one while the mass number remain unchanged, the new atom formed will have an atomic number of 37 and a mass number of 81, the nuclide that fit the above description is rubidium-81
 Let us balance the above equation to see if we are right or wrong.
To balance a nuclear equation the atomic number of the and mass number on both side must be equal, in other word  the total sum of the super script on the reactant side must be equal to the sum of the superscript on the product side and the total sum of the subs scripts on the reactant side must be equal to the  total sum of the subscript on the product side.
For the superscript, we have
81 81+0
 And for the subscript we have
36 37+(-1)
 Since both side are equal , the equation is balanced, the isotope formed is therefore rubidium-81

write the identity of the missing nucleus for the following nuclear decay reaction: ?→5927co+ 0−1e

let us write the nuclear equation first
?→5927Co+ 0−1e
We can find the above equation  by using the law of conservation of matter, the law of conservation of matter requires that the total sum of the mass numbers in both side of nuclear equation must be equal and likewise the total atomic number on both side must also be equal.
 The mass number is represented in the superscript, while he atomic number is represented as subscript.
Let us rewrite the above equation
azX →5927Co+ 0−1e
assuming  the unknown atom is represented as X
For the mass number.
a =59+0
a = 59
and for the subscript

 therefore the new nuclide formed has an atomic number of 26 and a mass number of 59 the atom that has the above characteristics is iron-59
 we can rewrite the above equation
5926Fe→5927Co+ 0−1e

write the identity of the missing nucleus for the following nuclear decay reaction: 224 88ra→42he+?

let us balance the above equation to find the missing particle.
let us rewrite the equation
22488Ra→42He+ azX
To  find the value of X, we first start by finding the value of a and z.
224 =4+a
And to find the value of z
We say
Z =86,
 The nuclide with atomic number of 86 and a mass number of 220
The  nuclide that has atomic number of 86 is radon-220
 The above equation can be written as
22488Ra → 42He + 2202Ra
When an atom undergo an alpha decay, the atomic number decreases by 2 while the mass number decreases by 4 the nuclide formed will be in two places above the original atom on the periodic table of element.

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