facts about ac alternating current
1.     alternating current are current that flow periodically reverse with time.
2.     direct current are current that flow in one direction.
3.     alternating current  are not gotten from battery or cell
4.     alternating current  are the current we got from gasoline engine, diesel engine etc.
5.     resistors do not only hinders current flow but also  increases voltages potentials
6.     reactance and impedance are vital component of AC  circuit.
7.     resistance is the opposition to the flow of electric current by a resistor.
8.     reactance(X) is the opposition to flow of electric current in ac circuit by either capacitor or inductor both.
9.     impedance(Z) is opposition to flow of ac current by  RL circuit, RC circuit or RLC circuits.
10.                        R stands for resistance, L stands for inductance and C for capacitance.
11.                        a typical AC  circuit contain resistor, capacitor and inductor.
12.                        rms value is how d.c current are measured in ac circuit.
13.                        rms value of an ac current it is the value of direct current that will produce the same heating effects as the corresponding ac current.
14.                        root mean square values is the effective value of current.
15.                        in ac circuit the average value of both current and voltage is zero
16.                        root means square voltage is given by 0.707V0, where V0 is the peak current.
17.                        rms current is given by 0.707I0 where I0 is the peak current.
18.                        Resistance, capacitance and impedance are measured in ohms.
19.                        Capacitance is given by X=XC–XL, where XC is the capacitive reactance and XL is the inductive reactance.
20.                        impedance is given by Z=[R2 + (XL –XC)0.5 ]1/2 or Z=(R2 + XL2)1/2 or  Z=(R2 + XC2)1/2
21.                        Quality factor of AC circuit is the measure of sharpness of current
22.                         high quality factor means high selectivity.
23.                        at low frequency capacitive reactance is greater than inductive reactance.
24.                        at high frequency inductive reactance is greater than capacitive reactance.
25.                        capacitive reactance is equal to inductive reactance at resonant frequency.
26.                        resonance is a Large amplitude vibration of an oscillating  when it is subjected to impulse at at its natural frequency.
27.                        Resonance occurs when current and voltage in ac circuit are in phase.
28.                        Resonance occur when current is maximum.
29.                        Resonance occurs when circuit impedance matches the resistance of the circuit.
30.                        Resonance occurs in ac circuit when phase angle is equal to zero.
31.                        In ac circuit power is only dissipated in resistor and not capacitor or inductor.
32.                        Power factor is given by cosĪ†.
33.                        Opposition due to the flow of ac current by capacitors only is called capacitive reactance.
34.                        Opposition to the flow of ac current by inductors only is called inductive reactance.

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