Photoemission in Details

Photoelectric effect is a phenomenon whereby electrons are ejected from a metal surface when an incident light falls on it.  The removal of electron from the metallic surface can also be called as photoemission or photoelectric emission. the electrons ejected are called photoelectrons  and the substance that undergo this phenomenon is called photo-emissive  surface. The electrons ejected are same like other electrons with same mass, charge and spin.
For an electron to be ejected from a metal surface , the incident light must have a frequency higher than the threshold frequency, tough different material have different frequencies but most metal have their frequency in the ultraviolet region.
An electron escaping from a metal surface has the maximum velocity while an electron produced deep inside the metal has lesser velocity, it might have lose some of it energy in coming out to the surface.
The voltage needed to keep the electron within the metal is called the stopping potential. When this potential is not overcome, the electron will not be ejected and current will not flow through the photoelectric  circuit.
The maximum kinetic energy of the electrons depend on the stopping potentials, it depend on the frequency of the incident photon and independent of the  intensity of the incident light.
The rate of the photoelectron emission can be measured from the current flowing through the circuit or by the intensity of the of the light when frequency is constant.
Energy need to extract an electron from a surface of a metal is called its work function, the energy of photon is proportional to its frequency, according quantum physics electromagnetic radiations consist of discrete particles called photon,
Photoelectric effect is where classical physics fails because it fail to account  for why photoelectrons are not emitted when the frequency is below the threshold frequency. Why maximum kinetic energy is less than the intensity of the incident light.
1.      The number of electrons ejected is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light if the frequencies remain constant. Therefore the velocity of of the escaping electrons is constant whatever the intensity of light may be.
2.      The velocity of  ejected electrons increases with increase in the frequency of the incident light but the number of electrons remain the same if the intensity of the incident light remain the same.
No electrons are ejected when the frequency is below the threshold frequency, ejected electron will remain at the surface of the  surface if there are mo enough kinetic energy to lift it up. The threshold frequency is the frequency enough to liberate an electrons without giving them any additional energy.

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