Atomic structure based on various atomic models

Atomic structure
Atoms structure has undergone a chronological change from time to time in line with the discoveries and sophistication in the field of science.
The first proposed structure of an atom was called plum pudding, this was proposed by J.J Thompson in 1904 after he discovered the electron, and the model established that atoms consist of electron in a fluid of positive charges to balance the atom. This model was proposed before the discovery of the nucleus. According to the model the electrons are positioned throughout the atom and they are called the plums while it is balanced by a positive charge called the pudding.
The above model was disapproved after the discovery of the nucleus and hence the planetary or Rutherford model of the atom was established, in this model the atom are believed to consist of a centrally located nucleus surrounded by a cloud of orbiting electrons, this model was proposed by sir Ernest Rutherford shortly after an experiment carried out by Ernest Marsden and Hans Geiger.
A beam of alpha particles were passed through a  thin film of gold foil,  more than 90% of the beam pass through the atom unaltered , only fem at the center that were distorted; some are deflected through an angle and some are returned.   This experiment led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus and hence a modification to the atomic structure.
According to the model the atom consist of a centrally located nucleus, positively charged and massive, the atom is almost empty, with just the nucleus at the centre and an electrons orbiting at the edges.
 The Rutherford atomic model was found to be insufficient because of some limitations, it fail to explain how an electron can maintain a stable orbit. The motion of electrons in the Rutherford atom is unstable because according to  electromagnetic and classical theory ; any charge particle moving  a curved path emit radiation, therefore the electrons orbiting the nucleus will lose energy and be captured by the nucleus.
In 1913, sir Neil bohr proposed another model for the structure of the atom, he reaffirm the planetary nature of the Rutherford model but added that electrons only radiate energy when they translate form one orbit to another and return back, when an electrons get excited and jump from its ground state to a higher energy level, and return back to their original orbit, they will lose the energy they gain. This energy is lost inform of radiations, this means that electrons only emit the difference between the two energy level.

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