radioactive decay can be affected by

 no any physical process or chemical change affect radioactive decay or shift the half of any  atom but
 the only process that can change this is when we entire create a new atom by accidentally or deliberately bombarding the nucleus by a neutron  thereby changing it another atom entire, when this happens then the half life of the entire process can be crippled.
 Because we have now created a new nucleus which can be radioactive or not, and can have same or different half life.
 The second factor that can alter a nuclear process is in the case of electron capture; if the chemical form changes enough so that the electrons are very much closer to the nucleus the halflife can be affected by few percent.
Not that increase or decrease of temperature do not affect radioactive decay,  extreme temperatures has no effect on radioactivity likewise extreme pressures has no effect on radioactive decay, presence of chemical also does affect radioactive decays.

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