Do You Know The Causes of Ozone Layer Depletion

The major causes of ozone layer depletion are the release of toxicant otherwise known as pollutant into the atmosphere, this pollutant will react with ozone and convert to it into compound that are protective against  ultraviolet solar radiations.
Most of these compounds are the chlororflourocarbons,  hydrochlorofluorcarbons, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform  and halons , this halon are very destructive and can cause a damage 10 times than other chemicals like cflc. This ozone depleting  substance can stay in the atmosphere for years and ones they reach the stratosphere aroud 15-30 kilometer where the ozone layer is located, they release chlrorinr and bromine , this chlorine and bromine are very powerful group 7 element and can readily react with ozone thereby reducing the volume of the ozone. With time the layer become very thin and the destructive radiations of the sun can then penetrate and reach the earth surface.
 The above effect couple by the effect of greenhouse gases like carbon iv oxides etc,  will contribute to the general global warming, why?
 The ozone layer depletion will increase the intensity of sun ra reahing the earth and the greenhouse effects will prevent the sun ray[long  waves ] from reflecting back thereby increasing the earth temperature.

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